Hello internet!
It's amazing what can happen in a year (well... technically nine months).
Apparently one of those things is
not writing in my blog. Hey, I never said I was good at this thing.
So here's a photo dump of the last number of months, with a bit of explanation included.
We had a very lovely, appetizer filled Christmas and New Years with friends.
We got just a bit of snow in January.
February was so cold that Peari decided being on TOP of the heater was the best place to be.
My friend Alex came out from BC, and we geeked out together as we always do.
I started making dice bags for my local hobby store. They're not a million dollar maker, but the guys like them.
I went to a 90's themed birthday party where I was the only person who had actually been a TEEN in the 90s.
My Craft room is getting an upgrade. Since these pictures were taken all my fabric stuff has been put away. The yarn still needs to be taken care of, but all in due time. The bedroom set is my corner side find (I love freebies!!) The armoire is holding all my fabric and the dresser is where my sewing patterns are kept.
Alex came out again in May and we went to Anime North as a couple of cats. (I'm the one on the right).
I started working on the wig for my next costume, but it got put on hold for other projects.
In April we had a bit of a car accident, nothing too serious, but our backs were out so we couldn't deal with the yard. Some of these weeds were higher than my shoulder and required a hack saw to cut down. Thankfully I had the help of my friend to get it all done.
For our next convention, the husband grew out his beard for a costume that he decided to be without any coercion from me. It was quite nice having Wolverine about the house for a month, especially when he tried to pretend he was grumpy.
And now we're up to present. Alex, Cindy, and me as Flotsam, Ursula, and Jetsam. This was the main project that I paused my wig for and we had a blast.
I'm currently working on a knit blanket for a coworker of mine who just had pretty heavy back surgery, and I will show pictures once I remember to take them before it gets dark.
So that's 9 months in review, and with luck, I'll be able to keep on top of things a bit better for the rest of the year.